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This is us Burst Energy, your energy retailer. As the energy retailer we are responsible for setting the energy charge and administration fees. We provide exceptional customer service and billing services!

Electricity Charges

Energy Charge: 
The charge for your electricity or natural gas commodity at your agreed energy rate.


Here we send you important news and information to help you understand the current market conditions.

Account Summary

Account Summary:
Here you have a summary of your usage and invoices paid.

Customer Service

Customer Service:
Questions or Concerns? Chat with us, email us or call and we are happy to help!

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Site ID

Site ID:
The identification number that uniquely identifies your premises within the province.

Administration fee:

Administration fee:
the charge from your Retailer for providing you billing and customer services. This can include a monthly admin fee, a contract fee (daily fee) or both depending on the contract you have signed up for


Energy Product

Energy Product:
The type of product you selected with Burst Energy. This could be a fixed or variable rate.

Distribution Charges

Distribution Charges:
The demand, fixed and variable charges (including rate riders) that your Retailer is legally required to pay your electricity or natural gas Distributor for the costs of building and maintaining distribution systems, meter reading services and settlement services.

Local access fees

Local access fees:
Your distributor pays a fee to use municipal land for gas pipelines and infrastructure. The fee is shared by all customers in your area. Each local government sets the fee.

Carbon levy

Carbon levy:
The federal government applies a levy to fossil fuels based on how much carbon dioxide they release when burned. The Federal Carbon Tax is the rate multiplied by number of GJ you use.



Distribution Charges

Distributor Estimate:
These are charges from the distributor to delivery your natural gas to your home. They are not charges for the natural gas it self.

Billing Estimate

Billing Estimates:
Here you see a summary of all energy related charges including the estimated and actuals.

Metered Usage Chart

Metered Usage Chart:
Showing your past metered usage so you can see when you use the most energy at certain times of the year.

Natural Gas Charges

Natural Gas Charges:
These are charges from the distributor to deliver your natural gas to your home. They are not charges for the natural gas itself


Riders are charges or credits that adjust your distributor charges. They cover changes in circumstances since the Alberta Utilities Commission last approved your distributor’s charges. You may have more than one rider on your bill at a time.


Responsible for delivery, meter readings and distribution. Distributors provide the energy consumption data from your meter to your Retailer for the purpose of creating your bill.

Please note: Consumers cannot choose their distribution company. Retailers must flow through the distribution costs to your bill for the distributors.

Meter Reading

Meter reading:
This chart shows the actual and estimated meter readings.

Billing Details

Billing Details:
Here you see a summary of all energy related charges including the estimated and actuals.

Reversal – Prior Period Estimate

Reversal – Prior Period Estimate:
Reversal or Credit of the prior periods estimated billing amounts.

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Site ID

Site ID:
The identification number that uniquely identifies your premises within the province.


Administration fee

Administration fee:
The charge from your Retailer for providing you billing and customer services. This can include a monthly admin fee, a contract fee (daily fee) or both depending on the contract you have signed up for.




Responsible for delivery, meter readings and distribution. Distributors provide the energy consumption data from your meter to your Retailer for the purpose of creating your bill.

Please note: Consumers cannot choose their distribution company. Retailers must flow through the distribution costs to your bill for the distributors.


Distribution charges

Distribution charges:
The demand, fixed and variable charges (including rate riders) that your Retailer is legally required to pay your electricity or natural gas Distributor for the costs of building and maintaining distribution systems, meter reading services and settlement services.


Transmission charges

Transmission charges:
the demand, fixed and variable charges (including rate riders) that the distribution company is required to pay for transmission service to its distribution system.



Meter reading

Meter reading:
Actual meter reading obtained by human or electronic means provided to us by your Distributor.


Total number of kilowatt hours(kWh) or gigajoules(GJ) used at the premises during a specified period of time as indicated by the meter’s measurements.

Reversal – Prior Period Estimate:

Reversal – Prior Period Estimate:
Reversal or Credit of the prior periods estimated billing amounts.


Fixed Charge

Fixed Charge:
Regular Contract Pricing covering amount used up to pre-purchased volumes.