
Term Description
Account Number A number created to be used for billing purposes for each site. Each number is unique and is associated with the bill payee.
Accounting Period The month that data is process through the company’s accounting system.
Actual Usage Cost ($/MWh) Usage cost is calculated from Usage MWh divided by Usage Charge. This cost represents your average cost for energy consumed. This number is comparable to Pool Price, in that Pool Price represents a flat load profile cost.
Address The mailing address of the payee.
Administration Charge A monthly charge levied to recover a Wire Service Providers and/or retailers and/or billing agents costs for customer service, billing, communication and in some cases, other charges related to management of the energy supply portfolio such as risk, pool trading charges, etc.
ADOE Alberta Department of Energy.
AE ATCO Electric Limited.
AECL Atomic Energy of Canada Limited.
AESO Alberta Electric System Operator - A statutory corporation governed by an independent Board of Directors appointed by the Alberta Minister of Energy, whose major functions are to:

  • Operate the power pool in a manner that promotes the fair, efficient and openly competitive exchange of electric energy in Alberta ;
  • Determine the order of dispatch of electric energy and ancillary services in Alberta;
  • Carry out financial settlement for all electric energy exchanged through the power pool at the pool price;
  • Provide system access to the transmission system and to prepare a tariff or transmission services;

Manage and recover the costs of transmission line losses and for the provision of ancillary services ;

  • Direct the safe, reliable and economic operation of the interconnected electric system;
  • Assess current and future needs of market participants and plan the capability of the transmission system;
  • Make arrangements for expansion and enhancement of the transmission system to meet those needs; and to
  • Regulate and administer load settlement.
AEUB Alberta Energy and Utilities Board - a regulatory body with the responsibility to oversee the economic, orderly and efficient development and operation, in the public interest, of hydro energy and the generation and transmission of electric energy in Alberta.
Affiliated Power Producer A company that generates power and is affiliated with a utility.
AFREA Alberta Federation of Rural Electrification Associations - Provides a voice for Rural Electrification Association (REA) members.
Aggregation A collection of particulars into a whole mass or sum; total; combined.
AGS Alberta Government Services - responsible for the Fair Trading Act and the direct marketing of electricity and natural gas, administers a variety of consumer protections statutes and programs.
AIES Alberta Interconnected Electrical System.
Allocatd Losses Energy losses are usually allocated to customer groups based on allocations determined from distribution loss studies.
Alternating Current (AC) A current that flows alternately in one direction and then in the reverse direction. In North America, the standard for alternating current is 60 complete cycles each second. Such electricity is said to have a frequency of 60 hertz. Alternating current is used in power systems because it can be transmitted and distributed more economically than direct current.
Ampere Unit of electric current that is equivalent to the steady current produced by one volt applied across a resistance of one ohm.
Ancillary Services See Operating Reserves.
ARUA Alberta Rural Utility Association - The goal of the ARUA is to work together with combined efforts to ensure the government receives a clear message from rural Alberta regarding common issues that affect our utilities and other matters affecting rural utility systems and their consumers. ARUA is an alliance of the Federation of Alberta Gas Co-ops Ltd., the Alberta Federation of Rural Electrification Associations, Alberta Federation of Rural Water Co-operatives Ltd., Gas Alberta Inc., Prairie Power Ltd., the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties. Collectively, these organizations represent approximately 500,000 rural Albertans.
ATC A measure of the maximum energy flow possible in one direction across an intertie.
AUC The Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) is a quasi-judicial independent agency established by the Government of Alberta, responsible to ensure that the delivery of Alberta’s utility service takes place in a manner that is fair, responsible and in the public interest. The AUC regulates investor-owned natural gas, electric, and water utilities and certain municipally owned electric utilities to ensure that customers receive safe and reliable service at just and reasonable rates. The staff of the AUC also responds to customer inquiries and complaints respecting utility matters. In addition, the AUC ensures that electric facilities are built, operated, and decommissioned in an efficient and environmentally responsible way and provides regulatory oversight of issues related to the development and operation of the wholesale electricity market in Alberta as well as the retail gas and electricity markets in the province.
Average Load Average load is the average daily consumption rate.
Average Published Pool Price ($/MWh) Hourly energy prices posted by the AESO.
Term Description
Balancing Pool The Balancing Pool plays a prominent role in managing the Power Purchase Arrangements of several major power plants. Primary roles:

  • To manage the financial accounts arising from the transition to a competitive generation market on behalf of electricity consumers, and
  • To meet any obligations and responsibilities associated with both sold and unsold Power Purchase Arrangements (PPAs).
Base Energy Charge Difference The difference between the total load from the Power Pool and the total load from the LSA.
Base Load The minimum continuous load over a given period of time. Base load generating stations operate essentially at full output whenever possible.
Base Price ($/MWh) The contracted price of the first hedge (7x24) used as a base when combined with another hedge to create minimum exposure to the market.
BCN Breaker Change Notification (exclusive to ATCO).
BCTC British Colombia Transmission Corporation is the provincial Crown Corporation that plans, builds, operates and maintains British Columbia’s publicly-owned electrical transmission system. The Minister for the Crown holds 100 percent of the shares of the Corporation, as required by the Transmission Corporation Act of May 29, 2003. BCTC was created in 2003 to ensure fair and open access to the transmission system and is responsible for; (1) planning for system upgrades and ensuring that BC has a reliable electricity supply for the future, (2) building new infrastructure including circuits and substations to ensure that the system expands to meet BC’s growing needs, (3) ensuring the transmission of electricity through wires and transmission facilities from our state-of-the-art control centre, and (4) keeping electrical equipment safe and reliable, managing trees and vegetation and developing innovative solutions to extend the life of transmission assets.
Bilateral Transactions An electric energy supply arrangement, the terms of which, including price, are negotiated between an energy retailer and a consumer.
Bill End Date Production period end date. The standard Date format has been defined as: YYYYMMDDHHMISS.
Bill Start Date Production period start date. The standard Date format has been defined as: YYYYMMDDHHMISS.
Billed Demand The greater of metered demand for current billing period, a peak demand set in a previous month or the contract minimum demand.
Binding Day-Ahead Market A market in which title to the electric energy transfers from the seller to the buyer one day prior to physical deliver and the transaction is binding on both parties.
Block Price ($/MWh) The contracted price of the second hedge (7x16) used additionally with a base hedge to create minimum exposure to the market.
British Thermal Unit (Btu) A unit of heat. The quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit.
Budgeted usage (kWh) Site ID specific consumption estimate, can be set by Retailer/Customer.
Bulk Electricity Large amounts of electric power at transmission voltages, generally to run industrial plants and operations.
Bundling Electricity Combining the costs of generation, transmission and distribution and other services into a single rate charged to the retail customer.
Business Day A business day is any day other than Saturday or a holiday as defined in the Interpretation Act.
Business Function ID DE - Default Retailer; LR - Supplier of Last Resort; RE - Competitive Retailer; RR - Regulated Rate Option Retailer; SR - Self Retailer.
Term Description
CABREE Centre for Applied Business Research in Energy & Environment CABREE is a non partisan, independent research centre located in the University of Alberta School of Business; dedicated to providing applied economic analysis to inform public policy debates on issues of vital importance to Alberta. Their activities complement and support the Natural Resources Energy and Environment MBA specialization and research efforts by CABREE are focus on; energy markets, electricity restructuring and climate change issues. Within each area they explore policy driven issues and will highlight the linkages between energy and the environment.
Capacity The maximum sustainable amount of electric energy that can be carried or delivered at any instant; measured in Watts. A term that can be applied to a transmission system or to a piece of equipment such as a generating unit, electric service or appliance.
Capacity Factor For any equipment, the ratio of the average load during a defined time period to the rated capacity.
CEA Canadian Electricity Association. Canadian Electricity Association
Code of Conduct Regulation The Regulation governing the relationship between a Wire Owner and its affiliated retailer and the release and exchange of customer information. The Code seeks to ensure that: retailers and consumers have equal access to regulated services; that the Wire Owner protects the confidentiality of consumers information; that Retailers have equal access to information disclosed by Wire Owners; and that consumers are dealt with fairly.
Cogeneration The simultaneous production of thermal (steam) and electric energy; the electric energy used for industrial plant use and/or sale and the heat for buildings and industrial processes.
Congestion Congestion occurs when the transmission system cannot accommodate all transactions that would normally occur among consumer based on merit order dispatch due to physical or engineering limitations. The physical limitations are determined by the physical capacities of the transmission components. The engineering limitations are expressed through the application of accepted reliability operating criteria.
Consumer Utilities Advocate Alberta’s Office of the Utilities Consumer Advocate established to help monitor and protect the interests of Alberta ‘s residential, farm and small business consumers of electricity and natural gas as we all adjust to the changes arising from Alberta ‘s restructured energy marketplace. The primary goals of the UCA are:

  • To help consumers help themselves;
  • To inform and empower them in Alberta ‘s restructured energy markets; and
  • To facilitate their representation at regulatory hearings and other proceedings.
Consumption The consumption has four components: 1. LSA consumption (metered, profiled and estimated consumption) 2. Loss consumption 3. WSP consumption (adjustments to match WSI) 4. UFE consumption Charges are calculated for each component for a site using the hourly pool price. This process is repeated for each hour in the billing month for a site. The RISS charges are compared to the Pool statement. Any differences are allocated back to the sites based on consumption. Charges for GST, Spot Trading, Uplift and Rebate are allocated back to the sites based on consumption.
Consumption (kWh) Status Describes the type of Meter Reading.
Contact Name An individual’s name that may be contacted regarding the account.
Contract Adjustment A contract adjustment is the net amount of the Energy Contract and of the sale back of any unused energy from the Energy Contract at the hourly pool price.
Contract Unit of Measure (UOM) Contract unit of measure, could be: DOLR - Dollar, kW - Kilowatt, kWH - Kilowatt hour.
Conventional Generation Electricity that is produced at a generating station where the prime movers are driven by gases or steam produced by burning fossil fuels.
CSE Cumulative Switch Estimate.
Current The flow of electricity in a conductor. Current is measured in amperes.
Current Balance The cost for supplying the capacity (demand) and electrical energy(consumption) for the billing period.
Current Demand Metered demand for current billing period.
Current Meter Dial Reading The current dial reading taken from the meter.
Current Reading Datetime Date and time of the current reading. The standard Date format has been defined as: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.
Customer Choice The ability of a consumer to choose a retailer and switch from one retailer to another.
Term Description
Daily Consumption Meter (DCM) Daily cumulative meter consumption to Retailers and Settlement.
Daily Interval Meter Readings (DIM) Daily Interval Meter Readings to Retailers and Settlement.
Daily Load Chart Load is a general term referring to size and represents average consumption rate (units are MW). Daily average load is calculated by total daily consumption divided by 24 hour period. The Daily Load chart shows what your consumption trend has been over the past couple of months. The peak/min trend lines mark out the band of variability of the load on a daily basis.
Daily Load Factor Chart Load factor is the ratio of average load divided by max load. Load factor represents how consistently close to full load equipment is being operated at. A load factor that falls under 75% mean a large site has dropped in load that day.
Daylight Savings Time Times refer to times on the prevailing clock, standard or daylight time depending on the season. Clock adjustments for daylight savings follow the standard used by the Pool. Specifically, at the time of the springtime change, the hour ending 2AM does not exist. Hour ending 3AM follows hour ending 1AM. At the time of the fall time change, hour ending 2AM occurs twice, with the second denoted by an asterisk (*). For transactions using this convention, an “Hour Ending” field will exist that contains an asterisk following the hour 02 value (i.e. 02*).
DC Direct Connect.
DCM Daily Cumulative Meter (DCM) load represent smaller sites that have cumulative meters (less than 500 kW). Cumulative meters do not have time of use measurement. Hourly profile is calculated during the load settlement process. See Benchmark Report for profile classes.
DEC De-Energize Completion.
De-energized Site A connected site that is not currently consuming power.
DEF De-Energize Failure.
Default Supply Customers Default electricity supply is provided to any customer who has not signed a competitive contract and who consumes more than 250,000 kWh of electric energy at that site each year.
Default Supply Rates

The default supply rate is primarily based on the electricity pool price. The pool price is the actual market price of electricity that varies from hour to hour depending on weather, time of day and demand for electricity. Learn more: Epcor: Default Supply Prices. Direct Energy: Contract Terms . Enmax: Defualt Supply Rates.

Electricity Pricing Strategy : Base and Peak Hedging Block Plan

Block hedging plans offers a fixed price for an established volume of electricity for a specific period of time.

  • An established fixed price for specific blocks of energy.
  • Elimination of market exposure for specific blocks of energy.
  • Reduction of your company’s overall exposure to the volatility of the energy market.
  • More accurate forecasting of energy costs on a month-to-month basis.

Electricity Pricing Strategy: Load Following Hedging Plan

Load following plans offer a fixed price for monthly contracted amounts as well as a threshold tolerance for the duration of your agreement.

  • A fixed price for established monthly energy amounts.
  • Accurate forecasting of energy costs on a month-to-month basis.
  • Protection from market price fluctuations and volatility.
  • Simple bill reconciliation.
  • Volume flexibility whereby your monthly consumption may vary within established threshold bands and still receive the contracted price.

Delta Usage (kWh) Budget usage - Actual usage (“0” if no budget value provided).
Demand The rate of consumption over time to reach maximum load.
Demand (kVA) Status Describes the type of Meter Reading.
Demand (kVAh) Status Describes the type of Meter Reading.
Demand (kVAr) Status Describes the type of Meter Reading.
Demand (kVArh) Status Describes the type of Meter Reading.
Demand (kW) Status Describes the type of Meter Reading.
Demand Charge The component of a two-part price for electricity that is based on a customer’s highest power demand reached in a specified period, usually a month, regardless of the quantity of energy used e.g., $2.00 per kilowatt per month). The other component of the two-part price is the energy charge.
Demand Sales A producer agrees to make generating capacity available to a buyer when it is called upon or ‘demanded’.
DER De-Energize Request.

The province of Ontario began deregulation of electricity supply in 2002, but pulled back temporarily due to voter and consumer backlash at the resulting price volatility. The government is still searching for a stable working regulatory framework. See: Ontario electricity policy

Natural gas is deregulated in most of the country, with the exception of some Atlantic provinces and some pockets like Vancouver Island. Most of this deregulation happened in the mid 1980s.

The current status is a partially regulated structure in which consumers received a capped price for a portion of the publicly owned generation. The remainder of the price is market price based and there are numerous competitive energy contract providers. There is price comparison service operating in these jurisdictions.

The province of Alberta has deregulated their electricity provision. Customers are free to choose which company they sign up with, but there are few companies to choose from. The price of electricity has increased substantially for consumers. Higher prices are in part due to the market being too small to attract major competitors to enter it and a tight generation supply condition which is heavily influenced by unplanned generation outages.

DFO Distribution Facility Owner.
DG Distribution Connected Generator, means a generating unit that is interconnected with an electric distribution system.
Difference A differencing settlement system is one that calculates settlement only for those customers who choose a new supplier.
DIM Daily Interval Meter Readings sent every 15 minutes to Retailers and Settlement.
Direct Current (DC) Current that flows continuously in the same direction (as opposed to alternating current). The current supplied from a battery is direct current.
Dispatch A direction from the AESO to a pool participant to cause, permit or alter the exchange of electric energy or ancillary services.
Distributed Generation A generating unit that is interconnected with an electric energy distribution system.
Distribution (Electric Distribution System) The plant, works equipment, systems and services necessary to distribute electric energy in a service area at a voltage of 25,000 volts or less.
Distribution Access Service The service required to transport electric energy by means of an electric distribution system to customers or from distributed generation to the interconnected electric system.
DRA Deposit Reserve Account (also referred to as a Deposit Account or Deposit Reserve) Funds generally used for capital system upgrades and improvements.
DSN De-Select Notification.
DSO Distribution System Operator. A contractor authorized by the wire owner of an electric distribution system to perform certain operating and maintenance functions on behalf of the Wires Owner.
DSR De-Select Request. This is a transaction that is sent by the retailer to the LSA to notify of a site that is going to be de-enrolled.
DT Distribution Tariff. The rates and the terms and conditions that a distribution facility owner charges for providing service to its customers.
Term Description
EBT Electronic Business Transaction.
EEMA Electric Energy Marketing Agency (Alberta).
Electric Energy Measured in Watt and commonly expressed in:

  • KiloWatt-hours
  • MegaWatt -hours
  • GigaWatt -hours
ENC Energize Notification Completion.
End Read Date Time The end date and time for the reading. The standard format has been defined as: YYYYMMDDHHMISS.
Energized Site A connected site that is currently consuming power.
Energy Breakdown Chart The Energy Breakdown chart segregates the settled energy into the base components. Usage represents that energy consumed (metered). Loss and UFE are non-consumption (settled) components. The percentage of Loss and UFE relative to total energy depends on the make-up of your load. TA and Direct connect sites are not allocated Loss or UFE. Large industrial loads are allocated approximately 1% Loss and small oil field loads are allocated approximately 6-7% Loss. The average Loss for FORTIS and ATCO is about 3.8%. UFE is allocated equally to all load types at the hourly Zone UFE percent. Zone UFE varies between -2% and +2%, depending on Zone. Refer to Benchmark Reports for Loss and UFE statistics.
Energy Charge Cost of consumption of actual energy used.
Energy Charge Adjustment Adjustment to RISS energy charge to balance to the Power Pool statement. Differences are allocated based on relative consumption.
Energy Contract The contract negotiated between the retailer and customer which includes the type of hedge being purchased, block size (MWh) and what what cost. There are two types of Energy Contracts: map and third party. An Energy Contract is a pre-purchased load at a fixed price bought either directly from the Pool or from a third party.Map contracts are managed by the Power Pool. Any contracts not managed by the Power Pool are referred to as Third Party Contracts. Third party contract charges do not appear on the Power Pool invoice.
ENF Energize Notification Failure. This is a transaction sent from the wire owner to the retailer notifying them that the site could not be energized for a particular reason.
ENR Energize Notification Request. This is a transaction send from the retailer to the wire owner request a site be energized.
EPSS Electrical Power Supervision System.
Estimate (kwh) Where gaps exist, or where DCMs do not cover the entire billing period, an estimation is done to calculate the hourly consumption. The RISS estimate is compared to the LSAs WSI hourly consumption and differences are allocated to sites based on their consumption. In general DIM hourly settlements are not adjusted, only DCM and estimated settlements are adjusted. This process is undertaken for each hour. Losses are allocated to sites based on their hourly consumption. Direct connect sites are not allocated losses. Once the estimation of consumption is complete it will match the LSAs WSI transaction.
Estimation Methodology Reference code to estimation methodology used by the LSA to create consumption estimates for this site. U - Usage Factor A - Average Daily Usage.
EUA Electric Utilities Act , governing the electricity industry in Alberta.
EUB Alberta Energy and Utilities Board - a regulatory body with the responsibility to oversee the economic, orderly and efficient development and operation, in the public interest, of hydro energy and the generation and transmission of electric energy in Alberta.
Exception When an error requiring special attention has occurred. To raise an exception means the act of detection of the problem and flagging the problem for remediation whether by automated or human means.
Term Description
FERC The Federal Energy RegulationCommission , or FERC, is an independent agency that regulates the interstate transmission of electricity, natural gas, and oil. FERC also reviews proposals to build liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals and interstate natural gas pipelines as well as licensing hydropower projects. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 gave FERC additional responsibilities as outlined in FERC’s Top Priorities and updated Strategic Plan.
Final Adjustment Charge Final adjustment charge is the cost difference between Interim and Final settlement. Final settlement occurs 7 months after the month of consumption.
Final Settlement Run The Final Settlement Run is seven months after the initial.
Force Majeure A suspension of the energy market by the system controller pursuant to the rules of the Power Pool, as amended, restated or replaced from time to time.
Forward Contract A Forward Contract is the portion of the monthly consumption that is based on a prepurchased fixed price.
Forward Contract Charge Allocated Forward Contract charges for energy.
Term Description
Generating Unit The component of a power plant that produces, from any source, electric energy and ancillary services, and includes facilities that are necessary for the safe, reliable and economic operation of the generating unit.
Generation (MWh) The process by which thermal, mechanical, chemical or nuclear energy is converted into electrical energy, using an energy source, which may include natural gas, coal, nuclear fuel, wind, water (hydroelectric), biomass (waste products), solar heat, or any other means of converting basic energy contained in an energy source to electric energy.
Generator The producer of electric energy.
Giga One billion.
GigaJoule (GJ) One billion Joules or a thousand Mega Joules.
GigaWatt A measure of capacity equal to one million kilowatts or one billion Watts.
GigaWatt - hours Equivalent to 1 million Kilowatts or one billion Watts supplied, produced or used for one hour.
Global A global settlement system is one that handles all Customers (site IDs) the same way, regardless of whether they switch from the default or regulated rate provider.
GRA General Rate Application. An application made by an investor owned utility to the EUB in seeking to change its electricity rates. Sometimes called GTA or General Tariff Application.
GRID A network of electric energy transmission lines and connections.
GST Federal Goods and Services Tax.
GXP Grid Exit Point. This method is also referred to as the system residual profile, or the net system load shape (NSLS). The shape of the total load at the point of distribution, minus the (possibly loss-adjusted) total of interval-metered loads, is taken as the load profile for all Customers within the point of delivery (POD). The method can also be applied at the distribution system or load isolation zone level rather than at individual distribution points.
Term Description
Heat Rate A measure of electric energy system efficiency; the amount of natural gas required to generate one MegaWatt-hour of electric energy
Hedging The practice of speculating on the price for a future commodity to avoid exposure to the risk of unacceptably large variations in real time price movements. There is usually a price to be paid for purchasing a future commodity at a negotiated / market price; the price charged for the commodity commonly includes an extra charge to protect the seller against the risk of losing money through selling a commodity that he may have to purchase in the future at a price that is possibly higher than the price at which he contracts to provide it for.
Hertz (Hz) The unit of frequency for alternating current. Formerly called cycles per second. The standard frequency for power supply in North America is 60 Hz.
Hierarchical Tree All Report windows display a hierarchical tree on the left. The tree is dynamically built based on your company’s data. The tree can be expanded and collapsed by clicking on the plus or minus signs. The hierarchical tree is where you choose what data or nodes you want to include in the report. You choose a node by clicking in the box beside it. Selection of a higher-level node will select all the nodes underneath it.
Horse Power Unit of power equal to 746 Watts.
Hour ending (HE) Hour Ending or “HE” means the 60 minute period ending that hour. For example, HE 24 includes the time between 23:00 and 24:00.
Term Description
Initial Daily Settlement Initial daily settlement is a calculation of load settlement conducted within a short time after the day of flow, such as one to two days. Initial daily settlement, by virtue of its timing, does not use consumption information from cumulative (monthly, bimonthly, or longer) meter readings, nor does it use interval data retrieved on a monthly basis.
Initial Monthly Settlement Initial monthly settlement is a calculation of load settlement for the preceding month.
Interconnected Electric System All electric energy transmission facilities and all distribution systems in Alberta (or any other jurisdiction or combination of jurisdictions) that are interconnected.
Interim Adjustment Charge Interim adjustment charge is the cost difference between Interim and Initial settlement. Interim settlement occurs 3 months after the month of consumption.
Interim Settlement Run The Interim Settlement Run is three months after the Initial Settlement Run. Interval Period. The number of minutes between readings. DIM Report = 15 minutes. WSI Report = 60 minutes.
Interval (Time-of-Use) Meter A meter that measures at intervals of 60 minutes or less the amount of electric energy consumed by a customer and satisfies the standards for revenue collection under the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act (Canada) and the Weights and Measures Act (Canada).
Interval End Time Date and end time of the interval the settlement data is for. The standard Date format has been defined as: YYYYMMDDHHMISS.
Interval Period The number of minutes between readings. DIM Report = 15 minutes. WSI Report = 60 minutes.
Investor Owned Utility (IOU) A utility whose stock is usually publicly trade and which is organized as tax-paying business and financed by the sale of securities in the capital market. It is regulated and achieves allowed rate of return.
IPCCAA Industrial Power Consumers Association of Alberta is an organization of large industrial customers whose mission is to take a leadership role in ensuring that a competitive marketplace exists for electrical services. It comprises companies from such key industries as oil and gas, forest products, petrochemicals and steel.
IPP Independent Power Producer. A privately owned power generating facility which may be connected to a utility system to supply electricity for domestic or export markets.
IPPSA The Independent Power Producers’ Society of Alberta - representing competitive power producers, wholesale and retail marketers, suppliers, engineering firms, consultants and contractors.
ISO Independent System Operator.
Term Description
Joule Unit of work or energy equal to the work done by a force of one Newton acting through a distance of one meter.
Term Description
kV Abbreviation for kilovolt and equal to 1000 volts.
kVA Abbreviation for kilovolt-ampere, unit of electrical power (Demand for the interval period) equal to 1000 volt-amperes.
kVAh kilovolt-ampere hour (Consumption) for the interval period.
kVAr Abbreviation for kilovar. A unit of ac reactive power equal to 1000 vars.
kVArh kilovolt-ampere Reactive hour (Consumption) for the interval period.
kW Abbreviation for kilowatt. A unit of power equal to 1000 watts. One thousand Watts flow of electric energy is required to light 10 100-watt light bulbs or equivalent to 1.34 horse power.
kWh Abbreviation for Kilowatt-hour. This is the normal quantity used for metering and billing electricity customers. The price for a kWh varies from approximately 5 cents to 15 cents. At 100% conversion efficiency, one kWh is equivalent to about 4 fluid ounces of gasoline, 3 cubic feet natural gas, or 1/4 pound coal. An average household will use between 800 - 1300 kWh per month depending upon geographical area.
Term Description
Last Meter Dial Reading The previous dial reading taken from the meter.
Last Reading Datetime Date and time of last reading. The standard Datetime format has been defined as: YYYYMMDDHHMISS.
LDCs Local Distribution Companies.
Line Loss & Ufe ($) The line loss and UFE monthly charge is the sum of the energy at the hourly power pool price.
Line Loss & Ufe (kWh) Line Loss is a settlement amount of energy allocated to sites at a fixed rate. Loss factors differ between load types (called loss groups). Unaccounted for Energy (UFE) is a settlement amount allocated to sites and represents energy not accounted for by meters and losses. UFE is calculated hourly by the LSA for each Zone and the amount is distributed evenly to all sites for that hour (except for TA and direct connect sites).
LL Load Limiter - a device that allows for a limited amount of electricity to flow to a residential customer.
Load Profile A load profile is a series of load or consumption amounts for each interval over a particular time period. The intervals are one hour, so that the profile may be considered either as average load (kW) or total consumption (kWh) for each interval. The profile may be expressed either as the average per Customer or as the total load for each interval.
Load Profile Shape A load profile shape is a normalized load profile. Specifically, the energy consumption in each interval (hour) is expressed as a fraction of the total energy consumption for the time span of the profile.
Load Research Shape A Yes (Y) or No (N) flag noting a customer in the load research sample.
Load Settlement Calculation by LSA of the consumption at each unit of the settlement interval (hourly) for each retailer operating within each settlement zone.
Load Settlement Access Load Settlement Access is the fee charged by an LSA per a site for determining its load settlement.
Load Settlement Agent (LSA) The party conducting load settlement calculations for a particular zone. The LSAs currently operating within Alberta are ATCOENMAXEPCORFORTIS; Lethbridge; Crowsnest Pass; Red Deer; Ponoka; Fort MacLeod; Cardston.
Load Shedding Removal of pre-selected customer demand from a power system, as a result of the occurrence of an abnormal condition, in an effort to maintain the integrity of the system and minimize overall customer outages.
Local Access Fee The Franchise Fee paid by utilities to local governments in lieu of access to municipal right-of-way and property taxes on linear property.
Loss Loss is the electrical energy used to move electricity over the distribution system to the Customer. The loss percentage varies by profile class and by wire service provider (WSP). Typically it is 2.5% - 6.5%.
Loss Group Code The site’s Loss Group code assigned by the Wire Service Provider. Loss Group codes have specific loss calculations.
Loss kWh Settled loss allocation for the site for the day.
LSA Load Settlement Agent - The party conducting load settlement calculations for a particular zone. The LSA’s currently operating within Alberta are ATCOENMAXEPCORAQUILA; Lethbridge; Crowsnet Pass; Red Deer; Ponoka; Fort MacLeod; Cardston.
Term Description
MAAT Month-at-a-time Settlement.
MAP Market Achievement Plan provides the opportunity for Alberta consumers, retailers and marketers to buy electricity contracts associated with the unsold Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) that are held by the Balancing Pool.
Market Heat Rate The prevailing Pool price divided by the prevailing gas price.
Market Liquidity A situation in which there are sufficient numbers of credit-worthy buyers and sellers and therefore sufficient trading volumes to permit discovery of a credible price in the market for a given time period.
Market Participants Means any person that supplies, generates, transmits, distributes, trades, exchanges, purchases or sells electricity and/or associated services.
Market Signal Price movements that may cause a market participant to respond by taking some action.
Mass Retail Market The residential and small commercial retail market, comprising consumers with annual consumption at a single site of less than 250 MWh.
Max kVA Demand in Kilovolt Amps for period.
Max kW Kilowatt demand for period. Report column heading: MAX_KW.
Max Reading (Voltamp) Used to derive the demand in kVA. Example: If max reading = 100 and the multiplier = 200, kVA = (100 x 200)/1000. kVA = 20.
Max Reading (Watt) Used to derive the demand in kW. Example: If max reading = 100 and the multiplier = 200, kW = (100 x 200)/1000.kW = 20.
MCN Meter Change Notification (exclusive to ATCO).
MDM MDM is the entity responsible for collecting meter data, correcting and validating interval meter data, storing historic data and reporting load and consumption data and times to appropriate parties.
MDM ID A 4-digit number uniquely representing each Meter Data Management Company operating within Alberta. MDM IDs are prefixed with a “2”. Report column heading: MDM_ID. Sender (the MDM responsible to read the meter).
MDM ID 2050 Lethbridge
MDM ID 2060 Crowsnest Pass
MDM ID 2070 Red Deer
MDM ID 2080 Ponoka
MDM ID 2090 Fort MacLeod
MDM ID 2100 Cardston
MDM ID 2110 SouthAlta REA
MDM ID 2120 Rocky REA
MDM ID 2121 Horseguard REA
MDM ID 2130 Central REA
MDM ID 2140 Battle River REA
MDM ID 2150 Barrhead REA
MDM ID 2151 Duffield REA
MDM ID 2153 Wild Rose REA
MDM ID 2154 Yellowhead REA
MDM ID 2155 North Parkland Power REA
MDM ID 2156 Sion REA
MDM ID 2160 Manning REA
MDM ID 2165 Lakeland REA
MDM ID 2180 TransAlta
MDM ID 2190 Trackflow
MDM ID 2195 AltaLink
MEA Municipal Electric Association.
Measurement Data Measurement data is data that has been collected from meters,compensated & aggregated appropriately, and subjected to the required checks.
Measurement Point Data The data associated with a metered measurement point.
Measurement Point Definition Record The physical profile / design of the metering site. Also, the Transmission Administrator specification that defines the physical Record arrangement of the metering systems, as well as any algorithms used to manipulate the metering data to produce the measurement data associated with the measurement point to which the specification applies.
Mega One million.
MegaWatt - hours Equivalent to 1 million Watt or 1,000 Kilowatts supplied, produced or used for one hour.
Merit Order A list of the supply offers and demand bids for each hour of the day, compiled by AESO schedulers.
Meter The apparatus that measures active energy or reactive energy or both, including an internal recorder, or clock, which is normally tested as part of the apparatus.
Meter Data Manager (MDM) MDM is the entity responsible for collecting meter data, correcting and validating interval meter data, storing historic data and reporting load and consumption data and times to appropriate parties.
Meter Multiplier The formula that compensates for the physical attributes of the site, or the wires characteristics that affect the meter. Ex: if the site meter rolls over 2x/month, the rollover is 2.
Meter Number The unique number representing a meter.
Meter Reading Type Describes the type of meter reading: ME = Actual from meter; CA = Calculated; VE = Result from a VEE process (Verification, Edit,Estimation); ES = Estimate.
Metering Measuring of the amount of electric energy consumed by a customer.
Metering Data The data associated with a metering Point.
Metering Point The physical site or address of a meter.
Metering system The devices required for metering a site, including meter, CT/PT and communications.
Min Load Minimum load is the minimum hourly consumption in a day.
Minimum Demand Contracted minimum demand for the site(s).
Miscellaneous Charge Miscellaneous charges include all other distribution charges that appear on the REA’s invoice to its customers such as association dues, billing fees, deposit reserves, idle charges, and operating and maintenance fees.
Monthly Billing Summary Report Monthly billing summary of site level detail, based on a given accounting period.
MSA The Market Surveillance Administrator is a statutory corporation established by the Electric Utilities Act, appointed by the Minister of Energy and accountable to the Chair of the Energy and Utilities Board, whose mandate is to carry out surveillance and investigation regarding all aspects of Alberta’s electricity markets to ensure that the market is functioning in a fair, efficient and openly competitive manner, to investigate, discourage and to recommend penalties in cases of market abuse.
MSP Meter Service Provider, the entity that provides services to the meters.
MVA Mega volt amp, or 1000 kVA.
MW Megawatt is a unit of electrical power equal to one million watts or one thousand kilowatts.
MWh Megawatt-hour is one million watt-hours of electric energy. A unit of electrical energy which equals one megawatt of power used for one hour.
Term Description
NEB National Energy Board, the federal energy regulatory agency in Canada.
NERC The North American Electricity Reliability Council is responsible for aspects of an international electricity system that serves 334 million people, and has some 211,000 miles (340,000 km) of high-voltage transmission line throughout North America. NERC develops and maintains reliability standards, including regional reliability standards, that apply to bulk power system owners, operators, and users. Regional reliability standards, when approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in the U.S. and in Canada the National Energy Board (NEB) along with provincial regulatory authorities, are made part of the body of NERC reliability standards. These are enforced upon all bulk-power system owners, operators, and users within the regional entity’s region, regardless of membership in the region. As of Sept 2006 the NEB recognized NERC’s role in Canada as Electric Reliability Organization for a North American interconnected system.
Net Exports Total exports minus total imports.
Net System Load Shape (NSLS) This method is also referred to as the system residual profile, or the grid exit point (GXP) residual. The shape of the total load at the point of distribution, minus the (possibly loss-adjusted) total of interval-metered loads, is taken as the load profile for all Customers within the point of delivery (POD). The method can also be applied at the distribution system or load isolation zone level rather than at individual distribution points.
Non-Usage Energy Charge Non-Usage energy charges include Loss, UFE & spot trading charges.
Notice Period The period of time before a consumer can switch to another retailer after giving notice to his current retailer.
NRC National Research Council.
Nuclear Power Power generated at a station where the steam to drive the turbines is produced by an atomic process, rather than by burning a combustible fuel such as coal, oil or gas.
Term Description
Off Peak The period during a day, week, month or year when the load being delivered by a natural gas or electric system is not at or near the maximum volume delivered by that system for a similar period of time. (night vs. day).
Off-Peak Hours
  • In Alberta: HE01 through HE07 + HE24 (of the same day), Monday through Saturday + HE01 through HE24 Sundays (prevailing Mountian time)
  • In Mid-C: HE24 (of the previous day) through HE07 (of the day in question), Monday through Saturday + HE01 through HE24 Sundays + holidays (prevailing Pacific time)
  • In Minn Hub: HE24 (of the previous day) through HE07 (of the day in question), Monday through Sunday (prevailing Central time)
Ohm A unit of electrical resistance. A circuit resistance of one ohm will pass a current of one ampere with a potential difference of one.
On Peak Electricity supplied during a period of high system demands as specified by the supplier.
On-Peak Hours
  • In Alberta: HE08 through HE23, Monday through Saturday (prevailing Mountain time)
  • In Mid-C: HE07 through HE22, Monday through Saturday (prevailing Pacific time)
  • In Minn Hub: HE08 through HE23, Monday through Sunday (prevailing Central time)
Operating Reserves The capability above system demand available to Alberta’s Interconnected Electric System within 10 minutes following a supply contingency required to provide for system regulation and local area protection and to correct or stabilize the system in the event of contingencies, load forecasting errors and forced outages to Generating Units.
Other Charges Other Charges includes late payment penalties, meter read fees, NSF charges, rental deposits, balance transfers, bad debt write offs, reconnection fees, yardlight rental fees, and refunds. The Other Charges’ amount will not match the actual cost on the report as these are by billing month and have not been prorated to the production period.
Overall Cost Overall cost is calculated from total charge for the month divided by consumption. This number represents the average price paid for delivered energy after netting out generation
Overload The operation of electrical equipment above its normal full-load rating.
Term Description
PBR Performance Based Rates - a concept of providing incentives to improve productivity while sharing the gains between customers and shareholders.
PDI Point-of-Distribution-Interchange. A conceptual point of interchange between distribution systems areas.
PDS Point-of-Distribution-Supply. A conceptual point of supply onto a distribution system. A PDS is the point at which energy is deemed to be supplied on the distribution system. This is the interconnection point between a distributed generator and a distribution system.
Peak Demand The maximum load during a specified period of time.
Peak Load Peak load is the maximum hourly consumption in a day (i.e. the maximum load consumed or produced by a unit or group of units in a stated period of time).
Percent(%) of Total Load Percent (%) of Total Load is the fraction of the total corporate monthly consumption.
PFAM The Post-Final Settlement Adjustment mechanism (PFAM) is a process for correcting errors in settlement results after the financially-binding Final settlement.
PFAM Indicator The PFAM indicator will show a -1 if the RISS number is higher than the WSD number, it will show 0 if the RISS number is equal to the WSD number and will show +1 if the RISS number is lower than the WSD number.
PFEC The Pre-Final Error Correction (PFEC) is a process for correcting errors in settlement results before the Final settlement is run.
PICA Public Institutional Consumers of Alberta.
PILOT Payment In Lieu of Income Tax - Payments by municipally-owned or other tax-exempt entities which are exempt from federal and provincial income taxes with the objective of creating a level playing field with investor-owned competitors.
POD Point-of-Delivery. A conceptual point of delivery from the Transmission System. A POD is the point at which energy is deemed to be delivered from the transmission system to the distribution system. A POD is a collection of one or more Administrator’s measurement point definition records.
POE Point-of-Exchange. A conceptual point of exchange with non-AIES control areas at transmission voltages. A POE is a collection of PODs and POSs aggregated according to a fixed formula to create a real or virtual point of energy delivery or receipt from outside the transmission system. Refers to BC and Saskatchewan tie lines which supply imports and exports to or from Alberta.
POI Point-of-Interconnection. See Point-of-Exchange (POE).
Pool The Power Pool of Alberta (PPoA).
Pool Charge Allocated power pool spot trading charge and uplift. (uplift for 2001 only)
Pool Price The price for electric energy during a hour, established and reported by the AESO in accordance with the AESO rules, for electric energy exchanged through the Power Pool.
Pool Rebate Allocated Power Pool Rebate (2001 only)
Pool Settlement Date & Payment All financial settlements of the Final Pool Statements occur on the 20th business day following the end of each production period, unless the due date has changed due to prior late payments. Pool participants must arrange for payment of amounts owing, as stated on the Final Pool Statement, to be electronically transferred into the appropriate AESO bank account. All amounts owed to pool participants by the AESO will be transferred on this date as well.
POS Point-of-Supply. The point at which energy is deemed to be supplied to the transmission system.
Postage Stamp Transmission Tolls Transmission rates are averaged so that consumers pay the same transmission rate regardless of their location or distance from generation facilities.
Power The rate at which work is performed or that energy is transferred. Electric power is commonly measured in watts or kilowatts. A power of 746 watts is equivalent to 1 horsepower.
Power Factor The ratio of real power to apparent power delivered in an ac electrical system or load. Its value is always in the range of 0.0 to 1.0 or 0% to 100%. Note: (1.0) indicates that the current is in phase with the voltage and that reactive power is zero.
Power Marketer A company engaged in buying and selling electric energy.
Power Pool Operated by the AESO, it is a market providing the exchange of energy and financial settlement for the exchange of electric energy.
Power Pool ID The Power Pool ID is 3000.
Power Purchase Agreement Auction Auction of Power Purchase Agreements and of derivative contracts associated with Power Purchases Agreements, managed by the Balancing Pool.
PPA Power Purchase Agreement. A legal agreement as described in Regulation for the purposes of selling electric energy from generating plants built prior to 1996 to a buyer of the electric energy and must include a determination of the manner in which excess electric energy produced by the generating unit is to be exchanged by the purchaser of the PPA through the Power Pool for the benefit of the owner of the generating unit.
Preliminary Pool Statement Available on the AESO’s Web site on the 5th business day after the end of each production period. Log onto the AESO Web site using a digital certificate to retrieve the Preliminary Pool Statement. A preliminary statement is provided so that pool participants have an opportunity to review the information and contact the AESO if there is a discrepancy prior to the Final Pool Statement being issued. This is not the statement that is paid.
Price Cap A maximum price for electric energy or related services, set by a government or regulatory agency.
Price Maker In the context of an electricity pool, a price making generator will submit a number of bids/offers indicating how much electricity they would be prepared to dispatch at a given price. The system operator (AESO) will place the generators in order of cost to determine which plants will be dispatched.
Price Taker In the context of an electricity pool, a price taking generator will not submit a bid or will submit a bid at zero. This means it will always be dispatched (subject to system constraints) and will receive the pool price. Price taking generators include variable generators with low marginal costs, such as wind.
Price Volatility The rate of change of price over time.
Profile Cutoff Date Date and time specifying the last point at which data is included for profile generation.
Profile Segmentation The method by which sites are divided into profiling classes.
Profiling Cap Also known as threshold, the Profiling Cap is the size level above which a site is required to have interval-metering data.
Profiling Class A group of sites that will be settled using a common load profile. The customer’s load profiling class.
Term Description
QF Qualifying Facility. A co-generation or small power production facility that meets certain ownership, operating, and efficiency criteria established by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) pursuant to the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA).
Quad Quadrillion (10 to the 15th power).
Quality or grade of coal An informal classification of coal relating to its suitability for use for a particular purpose. Refers to individual measurements such as heat value, fixed carbon, moisture, ash, sulfur, major, minor, and trace elements, coking properties, petrologic properties, and particular organic constituents. The individual quality elements may be aggregated in various ways to classify coal for such special purposes as metallurgical, gas, petrochemical, and blending usages.
Quantity wires charge A fee for moving electricity over the transmission and/or distribution system that is based on the quantity of electricity that is transmitted.
Term Description
RAM Retailers Adjustment to Market when a retailer has been over/under billed in a particular zone, they may send in a PFEC which results in RAM charges being allocated to all other retailers in a particular zone.
RDC Revoke De-Energize Confirmation. This transaction cancels the previously sent DEC.
RDR Revoke De-Energize Request. This transaction cancels the previously sent DER.
RDS Regulated Default Supply, formally the Regulated Rate Option (RRO) The rate offered by the distribution facility owner for customers/members who have not chosen a competitive retailer.
REA Rural Electrification Association - a not-for-profit cooperative, incorporated or continued under the Rural Utilities Act, which owns an electric distribution system and supplies electric energy to members in a rural region of Alberta .
Reactive Power The portion of electricity that establishes and sustains the electric and magnetic fields of alternating current equipment.
Rebate Amount Government rebate amount. Applies to 2001 only.
Record Status CA - Cancelled CA - Cancelled This code indicates that the receiver should cancel their version of this exact record. Sending this record eliminates confusion of the records purpose: especially when the replacement record may not cover the same period as this cancelled record.
Reference Number Reference number from EPSS.
Regulated Default Supply The weighted monthly average price of actual weighted hourly average prices at which energy has been delivered at non-hedged prices during a given calendar month.
Regulated Default Supply Regulation The regulation created under the Electric Utilities Act of 2003 that sets out the terms and conditions for regulated default supply of electric energy by a Wire Service Provider to a consumer who has not chosen a Retail Supplier.
Regulated Default Supply Tariff Regulation The tariff for electric energy supply for consumers consuming less than 250,000 kWh of energy annually who come under the Regulated Default Supply Option under the EUB.
Regulating Reserve A type of ancillary service in which the seller’s generating unit responds to electronic control signals from a remote master controller that cause the unit to rapidly raise or lower its electric energy output.
Report Window Reports are displayed in a spreadsheet type format, on the right side of the Report Screen. You can customize the reports by sizing, sorting and rearranging columns. Size Columns by dragging the boundary of the column heading until the column is the width you want. Sort Columns by clicking in the column heading of the column you want sorted. Rearrange Columns by dragging the column head to the left or right.
Reserve Generating Capacity The extra generating capacity required on any power system over and above the expected peak load. Such a reserve is required mainly for two reasons: (i) in case of an unexpected breakdown of generating equipment; (ii) in case the actual peak load is higher than forecast.
Result Resource Daily site usage kWh was calculated using: "M" - DIM or DCM containing any hour of Settlement Data. "E" - LSA - generated consumption estimate.
Retailer A retail supplier of electricity to an end-use site that supplies billing and settlement services.
Retailer Adjustment to Market (RAM) RAM is the billing method by which money is collected from all affected parties to pay for RSA claims.
Retailer Energy Grand Total (MWh) Total of the consumption, line loss and UFE for the Retailer in MWh for the Power Pool.
Retailer Fee Flat fee per site charged by the power supplier.
Retailer ID Recipient (Retailer currently associated to the Site).
Retailer Loss Total (kWh) Total of the losses allocated to all of the Retailer’s customers.
Retailer of Record The single Retailer that the settlement system recognizes as serving a given site for a given day.
Retailer Short Name Abbreviation of the retailer’s name.
Retailer Specific Adjustment (RSA) RSA charges are a payment to a party, in response to billing errors that occurred after Final (PFAM claims).
Retailer UFE Total (kWh) Total of the UFE allocated to the Retailer’s customers.
Retailer Usage Total (kWh) Total of the consumption for all of the Retailer’s customers.
Rider Government approved charges.
Rider Charge Rider Charges are cost recoveries of an LSA with a start and end dates that have been approved by the EUB.
RISS Retailer Information Settlement System.
ROC Request Off-Cycle Meter Read Completion.
ROR Request Off-Cycle Meter Read.
RRO Regulated Rate Option.
RRR Regulation on Roles, Relationships and Responsibilities.
RSA Retailer Specific Adjustment. - This transaction is to correct any PFAM disputes a retailer has made.
RTO Regional Transmission Organization is chartered to facilitate the exchange of electric energy over large interconnected geographic areas; a concept developed and promoted by the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
RUA Rural Utilities Act.
RUC Request Update to Customer Infomation.
Term Description
SC System Controller.
Select Retailer Notification (SRN) The SRN notifies the Retailer of enrolment status. A code of 0000 indicates a successful enrolment. For complete details on the SRN transaction codes, please see the Settlement System Code, available at .
Self-Generation Generation of electricity by a customer for their own use.
Service Charge The current balance of fees payable to service provider.
Settlement As At Date Date and time that all data used by this settlement run was in the settlement system. Supports reproducibility of settlement at a later time than the ‘original’ settlement run. This allows the same data to be used regardless of how many times a run is performed. The standard Date format has been defined as: YYYYMMDDHHMISS.
Settlement ID A 4-digit number uniquely representing each Load Settlement Agent operating within Alberta. LSA IDs are prefixed with a “1”.
Settlement ID - 1040 FORTIS
Settlement ID - 1050 Lethbridge
Settlement ID - 1070 Red Deer
Settlement ID - 1080 Ponoka
Settlement ID - 1090 Fort MacLeod
Settlement ID -1010 ATCO
Settlement ID -1020 ENMAX
Settlement ID -1030 EPCOR
Settlement ID -1060 Crowsnest Pass
Settlement ID -1100 Cardston
Settlement Interval The settlement interval is the time increment at which distinct load estimates are calculated by load settlement systems and load amounts are settled financially by the Pool.
Settlement Ready Data Data that is ready for use in settlement. Data shall be validated, estimated and edited as outlined in the standards, and aggregated or totalized to measurement point data as per the Measurement Point Definition records.
Settlement Run Date Date and time settlement was initiated. This date does not indicate which date was used by the settlement run. The standard Date format has been defined as: YYYYMMDDHHMISS.
Settlement System A settlement system is a computer system and associated operations and interfaces used to determine the load responsibility at each unit of the settlement interval, for each retail supplier operating within the settlement zone.
Settlement Timing Settlement timing is the frequency at which load settlement is calculated and reported to the Pool and to retailers.
Settlement Type The settlement type is the time interval at which distinct load estimates are calculated by load settlement systems and load amounts are settled financially by the Pool: I - Initial Daily Settlement; M - Initial Monthly Settlement; R - Reconciliation Settlement; F - Final Settlement.
Settlement Zone The settlement zone is the collection of sites that are jointly settled by a settlement system and over which UFE is calculated and allocated. For example Alberta has 10 different zones.
Seven 7x16 (MW) A standard hedge block offered by retailers for sixteen hours a day 9 am to midnight, on hour ending), seven days a week. Size is negotiated.
Seven 7x24 (MW) A standard hedge block offered by retailers for twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Size is negotiated.
Short Term Trade Electricity trade of varying duration that involves only surplus electricity from existing generating and transmission facilities.
SIR Site ID Result.
Site A unique end-use service delivery point. This is the finest level at which settlement recognizes Retailer assignments, and receives consumption data.
Site ID A Site ID possesses the following characteristics: 1. A Site ID can be enrolled by a Retailer; 2. Consumption is allocated at the Site ID; 3. Settlement occurs at the level of Site ID.
Site Type Chart The Site Type Chart differentiates total load into size components. TA sites represent the very large sites connected to the transmission system. TA sites are on interval meters and are not charged for Loss or UFEDIM load profile represents larger sites (over 500 kW) that have interval meters. DIM sites have lower loss factors and the hourly profile is determined by physical consumption. A large DIM load profile means there are few large sites making up most of your load, hourly profile is controllable and Loss is less significant. A large DCM load profile means you have many small sites, profile is fixed and Loss is more significant.
Slamming A term used in the industry to indicate that another Retailer has taken the site without the knowledge of the original Retailer.
SMC Site Metering Characterics.
Socket A socket is a point at which a physical meter is installed. Settlement identifies sockets by the Socket ID. In many cases the Socket ID and the Site ID refer to the same point. However, there are some physical constructs that exist in Alberta where there is more than one Socket ID representing a Site ID.
Socket ID A Socket ID is a point at which a physical meter is installed. In many cases the Socket ID and the Site ID refer to the same point. However, there are some physical constructs that exist in Alberta where there is more than one Socket ID representing a Site ID.
SOLR Supplier of Last Resort.
Source File Key_SRN The name of the file containing the SRN transaction.
Sparkspread Sparkspreads give an indication of the revenue available to cover costs after fuel costs have been paid. A positive spread indicates it is more economical to buy gas and generate electricity while a negative spread indicates it is more economical to buy electricity from the grid.
SPI Settlement Profile Information.
Spinning Reserve A type of ancillary service in which unused capacity of a generating unit, when synchronized to the interconnected electrical system, is held in standby and in readiness to deliver electric energy upon receipt of instructions from the system controller.
Spot Trading Charge A charge per MWh on energy bought and sold through the Power Pool at real time.
SRN Select Retailer Notification. This is a transaction sent from the LSA to the retailer to notify the enrollment results.
SRO Notify Old Retailer. This is a transaction send from the LSA to the old retailer notifying them they had lost the site to another retailer.
SRR Select Retailer Request. This is the transaction that a retailer sends to request a retailer switch from the LSA.
SRW Settlement (LSA) Notify Wires and MDM. Notify the wires and MDM of a retailer switch.
SSI Settlement Summary Information.
SSR Search Site ID Request.
Statement Charge Consists of any number of charges that were not charged at the site level. For example: forward contract, map differences, miscellaneous charges such as digital certificates, etc.
STC Spot Trading Charge.
Stranded costs/investment Utility assets that would lose value in a competitive market.
Supplemental Reserve A type of ancillary service in which unused capacity of a generating unit, which at the time may or may not be synchronized to the interconnected electrical system, is held on standby and in readiness to deliver electric energy upon receipt of instructions from the system controller.
Surcharge Amount Includes uplift , spot trading charge and agency fees.
Switch Date Date and time the site is enrolled with the Retailer.
Switch Off Date RISS field used to capture when a Notify Old Retailer (SRO) transaction is received for the Retailer for a Site ID.
System Access The charge based on Transmission (kWh) for the customer to have system access service from the ISO.
System Access Flat The flat rate charge based on demand for the customer to have system access service from the ISO.
System Interval Meters All interval meters that are defined by the Transmission Administrator to be part of the transmission system, and are used in determining the energy flows of the transmission system.
System Level Hourly values for the distribution interchange, distributed generation, and border customer consumption that are needed to describe the total hourly energy flow on the AIES at the transmission level and the inputs and outputs to each and every distribution settlement zone for each hour.
System Residual Profile Includes uplift , spot trading charge and agency fees. Report column heading: SURCHARGE_AMT. EPSS x-ref: at the point of distribution, minus the (possibly loss-adjusted) total of interval-metered loads, is taken as the load profile for all customers within the point of delivery (POD). The method can also be applied at the distribution system or load isolation zone level rather than at individual distribution points.
System Settlement Code (SSC) The transactions are defined by the AUC under Rule 021. For a copy of the rules; Click Here
Term Description
T&D Transmission and distribution administration and coordination of the transmission system for Alberta.
TA Transmission Administrator. The entity designated by the Electrical Utilities Act (Alberta) and charged with the operation of the Alberta Interconnected Energy System. The Transmission Administrator ID is 4000.
TA Site Transmission Administrator connected sites are very large sites connected directly to the transmission system.
TAA Transmission Administrator Adjustment
Tariff A published volume of rate schedules and general terms and conditions under which a product or service will be supplied.
Tariff Billing Code (TBC) The TBC is administered by the AUC under Rule 004. For background information: Click Here The transactions that are used by the industry are called the TBF. The latest editorial changes to the code were made March 2012. Click Here
Tariff Bill File (TBF) A physical electronic file containing site-specific tariff charges, usage, and demand information for given tariff bill periods; it may also contain applicable site-specific one-time charges.
TFO Transmission Facility Owner - a term used by the AEUB to describe an electric transmission system wire owner.
TFO Tariff Transmission Facility Owner Tariff - means charges related to the provision of transmission access service to retailers, regulated rate providers and direct connect consumers and recovered from the AESO.
Total Charges Total charge for the month including all Pool charges (usage, settlement adjustments, RSA and RAM amounts and generation) and wire charges.
Total Delivery Charge Charges associated with the delivery of energy to the meter. Delivery charges are invoiced by Wire Owners, not the Power Pool.
Total Distribution Charges ($) The sum of Load Settlement Access, Rider and Miscellaneous charges.
Total Energy (kWh) Total Energy is the sum of Usage, Line Loss and UFE.
Total Energy Charges ($) Total Energy Charges is the sum of Total Gross Energy and the Contract Adjustment.
Total Generation Charge Charge, or if negative payment, by Power Pool on generation asset. Charge includes generated energy at pool price and spot trading charges.
Total Gross Energy ($) Total Gross Energy is the sum of Usage, Line Loss & UFE, Spot Trading and Retailer Fee charges.
Total Pool Charge Total of all Pool related charges including Usage, settlement adjustments, RAMRSA and generation.
Total Transmission Charges ($) Total Transmission Charges appears on the tariff bill for transporting energy from the zone’s generator to the retailer’s wires. It is the sum of the System Access charge and the System Access Flat.
Total Usage Cost Total Usage cost is the sum of consumption cost and delivery cost. This number represents the average cost for every mWh of energy you consume.
TPG Trading Practices Guidelines.
Transaction Date and Time The date and time the transaction was created. The standard Date format has been defined as: YYYYMMDDHHMISS.
Transaction Status Code Used by the recipient to notify the sender of problems with the transaction.
Transformer An electromagnetic device for changing the voltage of alternating electricity.
Transmission The process of transporting electric energy in bulk on high voltage lines from the generating facility to the local distribution company for delivery to retail customers.
Transmission (kWh) The movement or transfer of electric energy over an interconnected group of lines and associated equipment between points of supply and points at which it is transformed for delivery to consumers or is delivered to other electric systems. Transmission is considered to end when the energy is transformed for distribution to the consumer.
Transmission Administrator (TA) The entity designated by the Electrical Utilities Act (Alberta) and charged with the operation of the Alberta Interconnnected Energy System.
Transmission Administrator (TA)ID The Transmission Administrator ID is 4000.
Transmission Circuit A conductor used to transport electricity from generating stations to load.
Transmission Distribution Loss Electric energy lost due to the transmission and distribution of electricity. Much of the loss is thermal in nature.
Transmission Electric System An interconnected group of electric transmission lines and associated equipment for moving or transferring electric energy in bulk between points of supply and points at which it is transformed for delivery over the distribution system lines to consumers or is delivered to other electric systems.
Transmission Line A set of conductors, insulators, supporting structures, and associated equipment used to move large quantities of power at high voltage, usually over long distances between a generating or receiving point and major substations or delivery points.
Transmission Network A system of transmission or distribution lines so cross-connected and operated as to permit multiple power supply to any principal point.
Transmission Operations Coordinator The committee accountable to the AESO with membership made up of transmission facility owners, charged with the ongoing review and upgrading of all operating standards and guidelines for coordinated operation of the transmission system.
TXN End Datetime RISS field to indicate when a transaction is no longer valid due to replacement by another transaction for the same settlement date.
TXN End Datetime RISS field to indicate when a transaction is no longer valid due to replacement by another transaction for the same settlement date.
Type Actual from meter; CA = Calculated; VE = Result from a VEE process (Verification, Edit, Estimation); ES = Estimate.
Term Description
UCI Update Customer Information.
UFE Unaccounted for Energy (UFE) is a settlement amount allocated to sites and represents energy not accounted for by meters and losses. UFE is calculated hourly by the LSA for each Zone and the amount is distributed evenly to all sites for that hour (except for TA and direct connect sites)UFE for each hour is the difference between (a) the system total load for the hour and (b) the sum of the estimated hourly loads at the Customer meters, plus their allocated losses. All references to UFE in the SSC refers to UFE on electric distribution systems.. See Benchmark Reports for Zone UFE.
Unbundled The separate pricing and provision of electricity service independent of equipment cost or charge.
Unbundled Bill A bill which provides a breakdown of the various cost elements included in a customer invoice such as electric energy costs, transmission, distribution, retail charges and other service charges identified by the regulator.
Unbundling Separating vertically integrated monopoly functions into their component parts for the purpose of separate service offerings.
Unit Energy Cost The cost per megawatt of energy calculated by the Total Energy Charges divided by the Total Energy (MWh) consumed.
Unit of Measurement. (UOM)
  • A – ampere
  • A/m – amperes per meter
  • GW – gigawatt
  • GWh – gigawatt-hour
  • h – hour
  • hp – horsepower
  • Hz – hertz
  • kV – kilovolt
  • kVA – kilovolt-ampere
  • kVAr – kilovolt-ampere-reactive unit
  • kVArh – kilo-VAr-hour
  • kW – kilowatt
  • kWh – kilowatt-hour
  • kW-day – kilowatt-day
  • kW-year – kilowatt-year
  • kV/m – kilovolts per meter
  • MW – megawatt
  • MWh – megawatt-hour
  • Ohm – ohms
  • V – volt
  • VA – volt-ampere
  • VAr – volt-ampere-reactive unit
  • VArh – volt-ampere-reactive hour
  • V/m – volts per meter
  • W – watt
  • Wh – watt-hour
Unit Price Total revenue derived from the sale of product during the reference month divided by the total volume sold; also known as the weighted average price. Total revenue should exclude all taxes but include transportation costs that were paid as part of the purchase price.
Uplift An hourly payment made to importers when their energy is dispatched to meet system demand and sold into the pool at a price higher than the hourly pool price. An uplift hour cannot be confirmed until after the hour when the hourly pool price is determined. Once the pool price is posted, an importer can determine if the offer price of their dispatched block was greater than the pool price, in which case, uplift would be paid.
Usage Usage is a load settlement term for the amount of energy consumed. Usage amounts are determined from meters or from connected load for non-metered sites. Amount of energy consumed on site is reported in mWh. Source of data is accumulative meters, interval meters and, in the absence of meter data, estimates.
Usage Cost ($) Usage Cost is the cost of energy consumed at the hourly Power Pool price.
Usage Delivery Cost This number is derived from all wires invoices for the month divided by Usage MWh. This number represents the average cost to deliver energy to your sites.
Usage Pool Charge Cost of consumed energy at the pool price.
Utility The name of the LSA.
Term Description
VEE Validating, Editing and Estimation. These are the steps required for testing in order to produce settlement ready data.
Vented Gas released into the air on the production site or at processing plants.
Vented/Flared Gas that is disposed of by releasing (venting) or burning (flaring).
Virtual Metering Point An effective point of measurement, that may or may not be physically locatable, where active energy or reactive energy is deemed to have been transferred through the point that is derived from one or more metering points.
Volt The volt is the International System of Units (SI) measure of electric potential or electromotive force. A potential of one volt appears across a resistance of one ohm when a current of one ampere flows through that resistance. Reduced to SI base units, 1 V = 1 kg times m2 times s-3 times A-1 (kilogram meter squared per second cubed per ampere).
Voltage The difference in electrical potential between any two conductors or between a conductor and ground. It is a measure of the electric energy per electron that electrons can acquire and/or give up as they move between the two conductors.
Voltage Reduction Any intentional reduction of system voltage by 3 percent or greater for reasons of maintaining the continuity of service of the bulk electric power supply system.
Term Description
Watt (W) The unit of electrical power equal to one ampere under a pressure of one volt. A Watt is equal to 1/746 horsepower.
Watt hour (Wh) The electrical energy unit of measure equal to one watt of power supplied to, or taken from, an electric circuit steadily for one hour.
Watt meter A device for measuring power consumption.
WCI Wholesale Class Information (hourly for zone for profile and loss group).
Weighed Pool Price An adjusted monthly average pool price based on the site’s profile. It is calculated by the Total Gross Energy divided by the Total Energy (MWh).
Wheeling The transmission of electric energy generated by one party to another using the transmission system of a third party. The wheeler does not own, generate or purchase the electricity being transported.
Wholesale Competition A system whereby a distributor of power would have the option to buy its power from a variety of power producers, and the power producers would be able to compete to sell their power to a variety of distribution companies.
Wholesale Electric Power Market The purchase and sale of electricity from generators to resellers (retailers), along with the ancillary services needed to maintain reliability and power quality at the transmission level.
Wholesale Settlement Details (WSD) This transaction provides daily site-specific initial daily, initial monthly, interim and final settlement results to Retailers for energized sites enrolled to them. The site characteristics in this transaction are those characteristics in effect at the end of the settlement day.
Wholesale Settlement Information (WSI) The wholesale settlement process flow is responsible for providing the settled load to the retailers, the Pool and the TA. The settled load is provided to retailers on a daily basis to let retailers know the usage of their customers. This will allow retailers to understand their current financial obligations and plan power purchases. The settled load is provided to the Pool daily (aggregated by the retailer) to inform the Pool of retailer commitments. The Pool uses this information to prepare an invoice for each retailer (i.e. consumption (in hourly intervals) multiplied by the hourly Pool price). The timing of such invoices is negotiated between the Pool and the retailer. To apply the distribution tariff for each site, the WSP requires the settled load, other load data and site information. The results are aggregated for each retailer operating within the settlement zone. The WSP uses this information to prepare an invoice for each retailer. The TA receives validated POD (point of delivery) data from the WSP (MDM) on a daily basis. Each day must be provided to the TA by noon of the following day. Changes can be provided to the TA for any day within one month up to the 9th business day of the following month. At that time, the previous month is considered closed. The reconciliation and final settlement processes will incorporate these changes. In some cases, the retailer is directly connected to the POD and must follow the same rules as the WSP (i.e. send POD data and receive invoice for payment). The TA performs a validation of the POD data prior to sending it to Settlement and the Pool (it is expected that the TA will provide POD data on the settled day +2). In addition to POD data, the TA sends POS (Point of supply), and POI (point of interconnection) data to the Pool. The Pool uses this data to calculate losses. Losses are calculated and an invoice is prepared and sent to the TA for payment.
Wind Energy Kinetic energy present in wind motion that can be converted to mechanical energy for driving pumps, mills, and electric power generators.
Wind Farms A group of wind turbines interconnected to a common utility system through a system of transformers, distribution lines, and (usually) one substation. Operation, control, and maintenance functions are often centralized through a network of computerized monitoring systems, supplemented by visual inspection.
Wind Turbine Wind energy conversion device that produces electricity; typically three blades rotating about a horizontal axis and positioned up-wind of the supporting tower.
Wires Charge A broad term referring to fees levied on power suppliers or their customers for the use of the transmission or distribution wires.
Wires Service Provider ID A 4-digit number that uniquely represents each Wires Service Provider operating within Alberta. WSP IDs are prefixed with a “0”.
WO Wires Owner. The owner of an electric distribution system.
WSD Wholesale Settlement Details.
WSP Wires Service Provider. An entity that operates an electric distribution system. In most cases the Wires Owner and the Wires Service Provider are the same entity. However, some Wires Owners, particularly some REAs, have contracted with another Wires Owner to serve as Wires Service Provider for their Customers.
WSP Consumption During a settlement run reconciliation process, unaccounted for consumption can occur. In order to allocate this unaccounted for consumption fairly, we compare what is calculated for a site for a date, versus what the LSA has calculated for that site for that day.
WSS Wholesale Settlement Summary
Term Description
  Nothing yet
Term Description
Year Calendar year.
Term Description
Zone ID A 4-digit number that uniquely represents each Settlement Zone operating within Alberta. A block of 500 each is allocated to ATCOENMAXEPCOR and Fortis, and a block of 100 is allocated to other WSPs.
Zone ID - ATCO 0001 to 0500
Zone ID - Cardston 2501 to 2600
Zone ID - Crowsnest Pass 2101 to 2200
Zone ID - ENMAX 0501 to 1000
Zone ID - EPCOR 1001 to 1500
Zone ID - Fort MacLeod 2401 to 2500
Zone ID - FORTIS 1501 to 2000
Zone ID - Lethbridge 2001 to 2100
Zone ID - Ponoka 2301 to 2400
Zone ID - Red Deer 2201 to 2300

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